DEPARTMENT'S SERVICES PEDIATRIC DEPARTMENT is working under expert care of DR NARESH JINDAL and his team 24*7 and is specialised in managing newborns and providing acute care for all babies. The spectrum of childcare ranges from routine vaccinations to the management of acute illnesses. Every newborn is seen immediately after birth by paediatric team and primary vaccination is also done. These babies are followed up by paediatrician in daily rounds. Our inpatient facilities are fully equipped to provide excellent care to children of all ages and deal with emergency cases efficiently. Our highly specialised paediatric care team work diligently to uphold international standards of healthcare. We have well-equipped wards, emergency and nursery. Phototherapy service is also available to treat neonates who develop jaundice.

We have Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to treat the children with life threatening diseases.

We have latest multichannel monitors, infusion pumps and other instruments to help us in care of sick children.

The Division of Gastroenterology, hepatogy and Nutrition advances the treatment of pediatric gastrointestinal and liver disorders through the coordinated efforts of its patient care, research and educational activities.

Each delivery is supported by the Department of neonatology.

All types of vaccinations, whole cell as well as painless are available. we use most high-quality vaccines and cold chain maintenance is assured.

We have lab services, which is specially designed for the newborn babies and children. These equipment use very small quantity of blood as compared to other labs, so that least amount of blood is required for the investigation.

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